No Flag Flutters in the Wind

mixed media installation, 2015


No flag flutters in the wind,
No flag flutters in the wind,
no horse floats in the wind,
no drums accompany the rise and fall of waves,
Nothing happens in tragedies today

as if passing from one fate
to another, a fate written beyond the text

neither broken nor exalted, and no one asks:
'What will happen in the morning?’ No Flag Flutters In The Wind - Poem by Mahmoud Darwish

Silver flags made from deformed silver pipe cleaners and cellophane paper, arranged in a grid, facing a pedestal fan that constantly blows air on the flags in half circular movement.
The flags maintain their deformed defeated posture, yet contentiously flicker in a controlled cheering movement according to the blown air of a timed power factor.
No flag flutters in the wind, is a contemplation on national defeat.

No Flag Flutters in the Wind, was show at:
Gifu Museum for Contamperory Arts, Japan, 2017. 
Solo Show, al-Hoash Gallery, Jerusalem, 2016.
Open Studios, Art Omi, New York, 2015.

لا رايةٌ في الريح تخفقُ
لا حصانٌ سابحٌ في الريحِ
،لا طَبْلٌ يُبَشِّرُ بارتفاع الموجِ
أو بهبوطِه
لا شيءَ يحدثُ في التراجيديَّات هذا اليومَ

كأَنَّهُمْ يأتون من قَدَرٍ إلى قَدَرٍ
مصائرُهُمْ مُدَوَّنةٌّ وراء النصِّ

لا انكسروا ولا انتصروا
ولم يتساءلوا: ماذا سيحدُثُ في صباح غدٍ

لا راية في الريح، قصيدة لمحمود درويش